Hohohohoho.. it's been in a while since i have so much fun cooking~ kyaaa~~
this all thanks to my suite mate, sarah.. bcoz of her periuk electric yg best, today i cooked something delicious again. hihihihi
so what is it today?? simple as the name -- bubur nasik --
hahaha. ok jom masak same? it was really easy. almaklumla org bujang~ hihi.
so let's start. the ingredients are...
beras, dry anchovies, and also carrot. (act bole aje bubuh other ingredient such as cabbage, egg, mushroom, ape2 pon boleh..)
cool huh? lol
so panaskan minyak..lalalala
so cook the anchovies thoroughly.. n, bcoz i cook inside my room instead of the kitchen, so the paper act to protect the carpet lorh.. :)
when u rase the nasik and the ikan bilis da sebati, add water.. then stir again~ and again~
and what the yellow orange things? haa~ the carrot la. bubuh those additional things afterward tau.. tgu the rice dah act "pecah" bak kate tiah. hahaha.. >.<
kalo takde mende ni tak sedap ah~ hahaha..
ok act. i put this thing last. suppose mmg last la. tp dah masak baru teringat kena bubuh dy.. soriiiii.. :D
dah shiappp~~ itadekimasu...
so result nye,
mira -- 3 kali tambah..
amy -- 3 kali gak..
aishah -- 1 kali? hahahaha..
ok ape kate try lg next time? easy right.. :P
3 buah fikiran:
opss 1 kali? lupe nk tmbah 0 kat blakang kn? heehhe
yah! chigulle
haihh ptutlaaa
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